Glossary P

Preterm (Premature) means born at or before completion of 37 weeks of gestation. May also refer to babies born before the 36th week after conception. (Please see Preterm babies)

Preterm babies refer to infants born more than three (3) weeks before their normal due dates or babies born before the 36th week after conception

Pretest is defined as a measure of job performance or knowledge taken before the implementation of a training program.
Pretest sensitization. Please see article of Sensitization.

Pretest-Posttest control group design is comparing a group given one treatment to another group given another treatment or no treatment by testing individuals before and after therapy.

Pretest-Posttest nonequivalent control group design refers to a quasi-experimental research design that compares two (2) nonequivalent groups; one group is measured twice, once before treatment is administered and once after. The other group is measured at the same two (2) times but receives no treatment.

Pretesting is defined as the measurement of a dependent variable among subjects before they are exposed to a stimulus representing an independent variable. Please see Posttesting.

Pretexting means providing a cover story for an informant