Glossary P

Preventive services are those which attempt to lessen the stresses and strains of life resulting from social and technological changes and to avert problems.

Previsualization which can also be spelled as Pre-visualization refers to a method of mental rehearsal in which the athlete visualises performance before executing a move.

Priapism refers to a Condition in which erections are long lasting and often painful.

Deutsch: Preisgestaltung / Español: Fijación de precios / Português: Precificação / Français: Fixation des prix / Italiano: Determinazione dei prezzi

Pricing in the psychology context refers to the study of how individuals perceive, evaluate, and respond to prices, as well as how pricing strategies influence consumer behaviour and decision-making. It is a crucial aspect of consumer psychology, where understanding psychological reactions to pricing helps businesses optimise their approaches to maximise sales and customer satisfaction.

Prima Facie Evidence refer to "evidence", standing alone, which is sufficient to establish a given fact

Deutsch: Primat / Español: Primacía / Português: Primazia / Français: Primauté / Italian: Primato

Primacy in the context of psychology refers to the tendency to better remember and give more importance to information that is presented first in a sequence. This phenomenon is often discussed in relation to the primacy effect, which is a cognitive bias where items at the beginning of a list are more likely to be recalled than those in the middle.

Primacy effect refers to effect that occurs when information a person first learn affects his/her judgments more than information acquired at a later time; other things being equal, information presented first often has the most influence. Moreover, Primacy effect is defined as the process whereby a person's first impression of another person causes him/her to interpret his/her subsequent behavior in a manner consistent with the first impression. It is the the notion that a person's impressions of other people are heavily influenced by the first information about these people that he/she encounter.

Primary Appraisal is an initial evaluation of whether an event is (1) irrelevant to one, (2) relevant, but not threatening, or (3) stressful.