Glossary S

Social neuroscience refers to an emerging new area of research, combining the perspectives of Social Psychology and Neuroscience to understand the relationship between the brain and s

Social nonconformity refers to the Failure to conform to societal norms or the usual minimum standards for social conduct.

Social norms refer to patterns of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation; rules or guidelines in a group or culture about what behaviors are proper and improper; society's standards for behavior.

Deutsch: Sozialorientierungstheorie / Español: Teoría de la orientación social / Português: Teoria da orientação social / Français: Théorie de l'orientation sociale / Italiano: Teoria dell'orientamento sociale /

Social orientation theory refers to an analysis of performance gains in groups suggesting individual differences in social (the tendency to approach social situations apprehensively or with enthusiasm) orientation predict when social facilitation will occur.
Social pathology refers to a concept which compares society to a physical organism and sees criminality as an illness. Moreover, Social pathology refers to a social factor, as poverty, old age, or crime, that tends to increase social disorganization and inhibit personal adjustment and the study of such factors and the social problems they produce.
Social perception refers to the study of how people form impressions of and make inferences about other people.
Social perspective taking refers to a person's ability to infer others’ thoughts, intentions, motives, and attitudes.

Social Phobia refers to a disorder in which the individual has excessive fear of most situations, and will often avoid them; an intense, enduring, Irrational Fear of being observed, evaluated, embarrassed, or humiliated by others in social situations.