Glossary W

Work stage refers to stage 4 of the helping relationship, with its primary goal being to facilitate progress toward specified treatment goals.

work-family facilitation refer to Individual coping strategies and family friendly attitudes and resources of the workplace that make it easier for employees to address pressing family demands within the scope of their daily work.
workfamily conflict refers to the feeling of being pulled in multiple directions by incompatible demands from one’s job and one’s family

A Working memory refers to the short-duration, limited-capacity memory system that simultaneously stores and manipulates information in order to accomplish a task; also called "scratch-pad" memory.

working backward refers to a problem-solving technique that identifies the final goal and the steps, in reverse order, that are necessary to reach the goal.

Working model of a close relationship refers to a infant's working model from his or her early attachments when the he or she develops a mental representation, schema, or working model of what a close relationship is all about which are the feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and expectations learned during the course of those first close relationships

working model of attachment refers to an infant's expectations of the behavior of their caregiver that is based on the quality of attachment.

Working on Memory refers to a concept introduced by Alan Baddeley, also referred to as short-term memory, or "working memory. " Working memory directs the temporary storage of information being processed in any range of tasks from reading to math to problem solving. It includes the concepts of the central executive, the articulatory phonologic loop, and the visuospatial sketch pad.