Glossary A

Assertiveness training refers to instruction in how to be self -assertive. It employs the use of behavioral rehearsal and other techniques to train people to express their needs effectively without infringing on the rights of others. Moreover, Assertiveness training is a technique to teach clients to effectively express positive and negative feelings to others so that they may achieve desired purposes.

Assessing motivation refers to attention paid to the degree of client motivation to make changes. Scaling questions are usually used to assess the motivation for change.

Assessment refers to the formal and informal methods of gathering information that can be used for programming to improve student learning.

Assessment center refers to a program set up within an organization to conduct in-depth evaluations of job candidates. Moreover, it is a term used for a method of selecting employees in which applicants participate in several job-related activities, at least one of which must be a simulation, and are rated by several trained evaluators.

Assessment interview refers to one of the most basic techniques employed by the clinical psychologist for the purpose of answering a referral question. The Assessment interview, if administrated skillfully, can provide insight into the problem and inform clinical decision making.

Asset forfeiture refers to the authorized seizure of money, negotiable instruments, securities, or other things of value. In federal anti-drug laws, Asset forfeiture is the authorizat

Deutsch: Vermögenswerte / Español: Activos / Português: Ativos / Français: Actifs / Italiano: Attività /

Assets means assessing the strengths of individualslifestyle is an important part of lifestyle assessment, as is assessment of early recollections and basic mistakes.