Glossary D

Deutsch: Dilemma / Español: Dilema / Português: Dilema / Français: Dilemme / Italiano: Dilemma

In psychology, a dilemma refers to a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. It often involves a conflict between moral imperatives, where to obey one would result in transgressing another.

Dilli which is also spelled Dilly refers to someone or something that is remarkable or unusual.

Dimension is defined as a specifiable aspect of a concept. "Religiosity," for example, might be specified in terms of a belief dimension, a ritual dimension, a devotional dimension, a knowledge dimension, and so on.

Dimensional Approach refers to an approach to study personality that posits continuous trait dimensions along which people can vary, instead of qualitatively different types.

dimensional approach refers to the method of categorizing characteristics on a continuum rather than on a binary, either-or, or all-or none basis.

Deutsch: Dimensionale Klassifikation / Español: Clasificación Dimensional / Português: Classificação Dimensional / Français: Classification Dimensionnelle / Italiano: Classificazione Dimensionale /

Dimensional Classification refers to an empirically based approach to the Diagnosis and Classification of child psychopathology which assumes that there are a number of independent dimensions or traits of behavior and that all children possess these dimensions to varying degrees.

Dimensions Continua is a term in a Dimensional classification system when individuals may be seen as falling on any point of a continuum ranging from total absence of a disorder to its most severe manifestation.

Diminished capacity refers to evidence of an abnormal mental condition in people that causes criminal charges against them requiring intent or knowledge to be reduced to lesser offenses requiring only reckless or criminal neglect.