Glossary L

- LIP (Lateral interpositus nucleus) : LIP is the acronym of Lateral interpositus nucleus which is the nucleus of the cerebellum that is critical for classical conditioning of the eye-blink response
Lipase is an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of triglycerides to free fatty acids and glycerol.

Lipolysis refers to the breakdown of triglycerides in adipose tissue to free fatty acids and glycerol for subsequent transport to tissues for metabolism.

Lipoprotein refers to the protein involved in the transport of cholesterol and triglycerides in the plasma. Lipoproteins, moreover, are substances in the blood consisting of lipid and protein.

Lipreading refers to the understanding a spoken language by following the lip patterns of the speaker. Less than half the speech sounds of English are shown on the lips and lipreading is a skill not everyone can master. Lipreading is a technique used by a person who has difficulty in hearing or deaf to understand what the other person is saying or telling him/her.

Lissencephaly refers to a congenital disorder in which the normal gyri and sulci of the brain fail to develop. Lissencephaly is believed to occur between the third and fourth month of gestation.

Deutsch: Liste / Español: Lista / Português: Lista / Français: Liste / Italiano: Elenco /

A "list" refers to a collection or grouping of items, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are organized for various purposes, including assessment, analysis, and therapy. Lists are a valuable tool in psychology as they help individuals and professionals categorize, understand, and address various aspects of mental health and behavior.

This is an incomplete list of psychological tests. They are often used by professionals.