Glossary C
Glossary C
Clinico-anatomical hypothesis is the view that regards dreams as just thinking that takes place under unusual conditions.
Clique is a group of five (5) to ten (10) individuals who hang around together and who share activities and confidences. It is a small group of friends who are similar in age, sex, and race (5 to 10 people) that interacts frequently.
Moreover, Cliques are friends who view themselves as mutually connected and do things together.
Clitoris refers to a female sex organ that is highly sensitive to sexual stimulation but not directly involved in reproduction.
Close or Tight Tail means folllowing a person which must be undetected; a constant surveillance.
Close relationships refers to relatively long-lasting relationships in which frequent interactions occur in a variety of settings and in which the impact of the interactions is strong.
- Closed communication system : Closed communication system refers to a communcation system whereby a call or sound has a specific meaning; in this system new ideas cannot be expressed.
Closed desk arrangement refers to an office arranged so that a visitor must sit across from the person behind the desk.